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Birding Day Adventure

Quick Details

  • 9.00 am pick-up at your hotel (selected hotels only) or at the Rotorua or Tauranga site
  • Return to the original departure point
  • Lunch will be provided. Do specify if you need vegetarian options.
Adult Ages 17+
Child Ages 8 -16

Go Deep into Whirinaki Forest on a Bird Watching Tour

These fantastic birding trips are all about you. We like to have a conversation with you about what species you would like to see. We offer shorebird and forest bird experiences depending on your preference.

Our forest bird watching experiences are set in Whirinaki Forest among massive 1000-year-old trees in a dinosaur forest. Come face to face with rare and endangered New Zealand birds including kaka (North Island parrot), yellow-crowned kakariki (parakeet), toutouwai (North Island robin), karearea (NZ falcon), whio (blue duck), titipounamu (rifleman), koekoea (long tailed cuckoo), miromiro (tomtit), keruru (wood pigeon), tui, and more in their natural habitat.

Our shorebird sites are spread around the Bay of Plenty, and we aim to see NZ dotterels, bar-tailed godwits, royal spoonbills, white-fronted terns, pied stilts, various cormorants, and many more.

Lunch, binoculars, spotting scope, and transport to and from Rotorua (we pick from Rotorua/Tauranga accommodation providers) are provided.