Lessons in conservation

Cambridge High School Students doing a five minute bird count survey as part of their formal year 12 biology progreamme.
One of the activities foris eco-tours are most proud of is our education program. People often ask what students get out of being in the outdoors but for us their faces say it all!
Research tells us if you want to develop an environmental ethic in young people the answer is simple = Multiple positive nature based experiences. Simply put keep taking the young into the outdoors, teach them about what you find, don’t push them too hard physically.
We work closely with teachers to develop programs that link to what they are studying back in the classroom.
Our association with Maungatautari Ecological Island has been immensely rewarding with over 10,000 people (we count parents and teachers as humans too) coming through our education program. We are continuing to grow the program and feedback from students, parents and teachers has been overwhelming.
The secret to engaging with young people is finding the right staff, keeping them busy, and surprising them with novel things.
Bring your students on one of our field trips, they will love it!