Foris = forests, feathers and fun!

Summer has been magic in NZ. Foris has been busier than ever with our Birding Tours taking off and our regular hiking options growing for the 5th straight year. Visitor feedback is humbling and testiment to the efforts we make to ensure they have a great time.
We were lucky enough to be nominated by a client for the Luxury Travel Guide’s Eco-friendly Tour operator of the year and we took out the award. The judges were pleased to see our commitment to conservation education. With 2016 being a record year for our program with 4500 people participating in it!
We are expanding our hiking options with a few special walks in Tongariro National Park. We aim to explore stunning parts of the park away from the crowds on the Tongariro Crossing. As always we offer great walks, yummy food, expert guides and stunning scenery! Contact us at for more details.
The best birds for us this year have been too many with a lovely pair of Whimbrels in the neighbourhood, fernbirds flolicking, a laughing gull in Ohiwa (a NZ first!), little terns looking gorgeous and falcons fiercely defending their territory against harriers, or always the pelagics off kaikoura. Our birders have been wonderful people to spend time with and have shared their inspirational stories with us.
Tanks to all our supporters, without you what we do wouldn’t be possible.